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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Valentine's Day... AKA Love Day

Allen refers to Valentine's Day as Love Day.  

While up at Waimea Canyon Allen stopped to rest on rock.  He grabs Rhonda's hand and asked her to marry him.  Rhonda thinking he is joking around laughs and asks are you kidding around?  He pulls out a ring and says he is serious.  She is in shock!


A little later Allen asks again with another ring.  He said he had to have a back up in case Rhonda said no the first time. 


Now Rhonda is thinking she should have played this one better and held out for more rings.   Turned out that she didn't need to because Allen had planned ahead and Rhonda would have ran out of fingers anyways.  Allen wanted her to have 14 rings on the 14th day of 2014.  She received 13 and the 14th one will be picked out later together. 

All kidding aside.  It was the sweetest thing ever and Rhonda is a very lucky girl to have such a wonderful guy!  Best Love Day ever!

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